
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Rich Dad, Poor Dad and Hosemasters

Wednesday morning was my second visit to the United States Naval Academy (USNA) Alumni Association, Hampton Roads Chapter Networking breakfast meeting.  I was particularly interested in going because Guy Zanti and his wife Kathleen Murray (USNA alumni '81 and '83 classes) were speaking.
They are entrepreneurs who own the only franchise in North America of Hosemasters.  

And they have an RV.

The meeting was similar to last time with a number of folks meeting each other before the proceedings got underway. (After all it is a networking meeting...)
After introductions and announcements, Guy and Kathleen began.  I was interested to see how they conducted the presentation.  They began with, "We do not believe in death by PowerPoint" so will both be speaking.

And they were good.  Very good.  Engaging, interesting and educational.
They spent most of their time talking about their concept of wealth, finances and money and how Rich Dad, Poor Dad had changed everything for them.  They are avid readers and had a partial display of their business books.  They had all of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series and some others including E-Myth.
Their style was very good because they offered information to others about how they started investing and moving toward their financial goals.  They have followed the Rich Dad, Poor Dad philosophy for at least 7-8 years.  I don't remember when they both started reading and being committed to it.  
More than their specific businesses (which include the Hosemasters franchise and owning a 39 unit apartment complex and an anti-rust [RSDW Metal Guard] solution they sell to marinas), they spoke of how to create wealth and view money.
I liked their audience participation questions:  "How many of you have read Rich Dad, Poor Dad?"...."How many of you have not read Rich Dad, Poor Dad?".

They brought a copy of CashFlow 101 which is a boardgame that is a popular teaching tool.  They were recruited by a nearby college to take some students through it.
The 30 minutes went by way too quickly!  

Afterwards they hung around a few minutes and talked with the audience.
Their presentation made me think of Amway.  Or Dave Ramsey.  I know of people who got into Amway and made a go of it.  Other friends have gotten into the teaching and financial precepts of debt-free living with Dave Ramsey's materials.  I say -- good for you and I hope you do well.

It was an interesting and motivating morning with my Habitat friend Dennis who invited me to the breakfast meeting.  I am glad I went! 

Another reason we love this RV lifestyle:  we get to meet folks like Guy and Kathleen!

Thanks for joining us today on the Roadrunner Chronicles!  Hope it is warm where you are or that you have a place to stay warm!

Merry Christmas!


  1. Glad to see you enjoyed the breakfast meeting. It's great to meet and hear really motivated people giving a presentation.

    It's funny though, because after hearing a presentation like that, instead of feeling motivated and ready to go, I'm just tired and exhausted. Guess that's why I'll always be a "Poor Dad"!!

  2. That sounds like it was a good presentation, Randy. I've read some of the Rich Dad, Poor Dad books and have seen him on TV, but we personally believe in the principles that Dave Ramsey teaches. It works for us!

  3. Good post. I find the Rich Man, Poor Man line of thinking fascinating. Those types of presentations tend to provide an individual a sense of who they are and what they believe in. That is, your either a supporter in what they are advocating (Rich Man, Poor Man philosophy), or you are not. I would have enjoyed talking to you about your “take away”.

    1. I had a few crack pipes with the fella

  4. My parents jumped on the Amway bandwagon and sold it for awhile, but it never quite worked out for them...Guess they should have read the book!,,,,

  5. Cheryl and I are graduates of the Dave Ramsey school of financial management. It is for that reason we can even dream of an RV fulltime lifestyle in our future. Following his concepts we became debt free. Hopefully we can remain that way, however a fulltime RV can cost a lot of

  6. I shared a couple of pipes with the ledge Robert. We were wired man . His jaw was going 2 a toast. Rob hit me up fella
