Early Saturday morning I ran at Burke Lake one last time with my buddies Gil and Al. They are a couple of great guys and keep me inspired to run and stay with it. It was a beautiful morning and we followed up with breakfast at the Silver Diner.
The photos below:
-Tiffany, Kelly and Pam;
-the next one included Jeff;
-Steve and Karen (bottom left corner below) came all the way from Stafford. We met them online with RV-Dreams and saw them last fall in Harrisburg, PA at the Life on Wheels Conference. They already have an RV and are looking at a Tiffin.
-Bottom right corner: Jim, Sky and Candy with Eric.Pam has volunteered at Frying Pan Park for about ten years and made some wonderful friends. Some of them can by to say good bye and see the RV.
Sherry got Pam a nifty Fairfax Park Authority/Frying Pan Park sweatshirt that she will cherish.
Our good friends and neighbors Pete and Roxanne came by and spent some time outside and also inside the coach while folks got the tour. Kelly and Adam (also included in the two photos on the right side below) It was a fun time with friends and it was good to show off the Allegro Bus. Trying to explain things helped me see how much I have to learn. We very very grateful that so many people (30+) took time out of their day to come by. It was fun to see them. The only downside was not being able to spend time with each person as much as we would have liked.
The next few days on the Roadrunner Calendar will be for us to:
- see some more folks,
- have a couple of more dinners with friends and
- attending a USMC officer commissioning ceremony at the IWO JIMA Memorial in Washington DC
We will be departing on Saturday afternoon for a couple of weeks in Maynardville, TN. Meanwhile take care and be safe.
Well, it looks like you two are catching on quickly to the RV life. Enjoy!