Can't believe we have been here almost two weeks. We are planning to head north late tomorrow morning. Adam has an interview in Port Huron so we will head out about that time and get in line at the bridge. After his interview he will rendevouz at the first exit in a WalMart across the border and have him follow us to our next campground site.
Yesterday we had a good day running errands and getting caught up. I spent a couple of hours on the blog and tweaked some things. Then I did some more work on our financials. We are paying all our bills on line and using our credit card a lot so we can track where it is all going.
I have spent the last week going through all the receipts I have collected since May. I also went through and entered all the Visa and American Express charges. I am sure there is some good news/bad news in the results. Hopefully I will have some of that data to share soon. For now here is how I broke out the budget:

After the blog and financials work, we headed over to Port Huron with Adam. He is able to get out of his rent house with a few weeks notice and he is considering moving closer to the bridge and Port Huron. If he gets the job he is interviewing for it would save him 30 minutes commute time each way.
Also - it would make it quite a bit easier to get over to Petrolia, Canada to see Meghan.
Speaking of Meghan, she has her followup appointment in Toronto today with her surgeon, onocologist and others to decide where thing are and the next steps. We are praying for good news there.
While Marg and Bill were here, we talked a little about what it has been like the last 18 months with the breast cancer. I wish it were different but like probably most all that are stricken--it has been rough. Hats off to Meghan and her family for the way in which they have faced it: with courage, compassion, strength and determination. There are more graphical and awful ways to describe it all, but suffice it to say: rough.
Back to our day: we looked at an apartment for Adam just outside of Port Huron. I took a picture of the office but forgot to take more shots of the apartment itself. Nice and affordable two bedroom.

It was in his price range and a lot newer than the house he is currently in. So that is a possibility. Next we went into Port Huron and took some pictures of the bridge and parks nearby. This is a side of the town we had not seen before.

Did you know Port Huron was the boyhood home of Thomas Edison?
We toured through quite a few neighborhoods near the water in hopes finding a 'Room for Rent' sign. Adam called half a dozen and we will see where that goes.
Later, we stopped for lunch at the local Burger King. It offers a veggie burger so that worked for Adam.
Then we went to the local used bookstore a got some reading material for our two weeks in Canada. I didn't think it would be that hard to find a copy of 'Centennial' or 'Texas' by James Michener. So I settled on some James Patterson novels and a couple others.
Then we spotted a local farmer's market and checked it out:

On the way out of town back to Croswell we spotted a 2003 Fleetwood Discovery pulling a long covered trailer. Turns out the owner was walking back from some purchases at WalMart and has a complete workbench in his trailer along with his minivan. Havent seen that before.
He was touting the benefits of
Thousand Trails and recommended we find a membership that someone wanted to sell. We'll have to check that out more. We have heard both good and bad about that -- even the Platinum memberships.
After we got back to Croswell, we had dinner and I went to a local car wash to clean up the Honda.

After I got back to Adam's I did some reading and we talked about our trip to Canada. We had tried for a couple of days to find a campground near Tobermory which is where Meghan and her parents have a cabin. Most sites we contacted were full because of Canada's Civic holiday. Fortunately we got a call back from
Summerhouse Park Camgpround and made reservations for a week.
We listened to the rain as we went to bed and enjoyed another day in the Roadrunner. Thought I'd Chronicle what we do on our non-travel days. Thanks for checking in and let us know what you are doing these days...
NOTE: We may be offline for a couple of weeks depending on how /if our AutonetMobile wifi works.