We are interested in working part time at Walt Disney World on one of the golf courses. A favorites has been the Magnolia Course where they play the PGA event every year. I talked with a couple of people who worked in the Pro Shop and both had transferred from another job at Disney. It took one person over two years to get a position.
Even in the rain it would be a good place to work. As you can see there wasn't a whole lot of activity that afternoon...

Bottom line: Unfortunately, they are not hiring now and there are no intra company transfers.
But - to get your name in the queue when things open up, go online to: Disney World Jobs and fill out the online application. If you happen to be staying nearby, go by the Casting Office and let them know you are interested and patiently waiting.
The Casting Office is across the street from Downtown Disney:
Darn...if I had to workcamp that is where I would want to go! Maybe in the future.