I figure we are about 3 or 4 months away from making one of the more significant purchases of our lives - our new home (RV). But--if we find the right situation, we could change our plans.
So, we are checking out used RVs to see if they make more sense than buying new. We have been thinking about a 42' Phaeton wanted to test drive one out while we were in Florida.

We found this RV on TiffinRVNetwork classifieds. We contacted the owner and drove 130 miles from Winter Park to Jupiter FL to test drive it.
They have taken very good care of it and it is in very good shape. It has pass-through storage underneath along with the fuse box, sewer hookup, inverter, battery storage and LP gas compartment.

One thing I was interested in finding out was the actual storage capacity and how it compares with the 40'. Because the 42' Tiffin Phaeton has a tag axle (making it two axles in the rear) there is a bit less storage underneath.
Inside, there is a lot of space for office material, dishes, coffe pots and a whole lot more. The big change inside was the extra space in the bathroom and in the bedroom.

The big difference was in the driving. Pam and I both took a turn at the wheel. It seemed to be a little more substantial/stable than the 40' rigs we have driven.

We took it out on a fairly busy street and also performed some turns in a large church parking lot to see how it maneuvered. It handled nicely. One thing I noticed with the 360 Cummings engine. It seemed to have a lot of power that kicked in quickly. I have driven a 400 Cummings in a 40' rig that was sluggish so that surprised me.
It was great to give it a drive and get a good idea what it would be like to own one.