
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Renovations at the Lynnbrook House

I wanted to give you a quick tour of the Lynnbrook House and how it is coming along.
It's been a busy couple of weeks and a lot of hard work.  Pam and I are doing the painting and the rest of the work is being done by a local contractor and his subs.

Interior Design and contractor work is being lined up by Live Oak Real Estate, LLC.

We are glad for the changes that occurring daily, and we're hoping for to move in a couple of weeks from now.  We will see.  There is a lot left to do.

The major items we're having done are the kitchen, both bathrooms, laundry room, the roof, and new windows throughout the house.

Its a small kitchen and everything needed updating, so we started over.
"We" gutted it, cut a pass through window from the living room,  patched the ceiling and walls, repainted everything, added laminate flooring and then new cabinets.  The appliances and countertops arrive in a couple of days for installation.

The hallway and master bathrooms are getting completely redone too.  I noticed how small the hall bathroom was and then thought, "Hey - we used to live in a motorhome.  That was a small bathroom.  This is not as big as some, but it is fine.
The tile work is finished and now the trim work and vanity install next.
Hall bathroom
Master bathroom
Laundry/mud Room

Just like the DIY flip house shows on TV we had a couple of "Ugh Oh" surprises!!  that we had to take care of.
The first one was some plumbing and pipes under the bathrooms that had to be upgraded.
The second one was the big one.  A few weeks ago we noticed a large drip coming from a hole in the kitchen ceiling where the electrician had been working.  After a couple of heavy rainstorms, it was apparent we needed a new roof.  We knew there was some patch work on the roof, but it apparently wasn't doing the job.  We ended up replacing two sheets of plywood and eight 1" x 6" pieces of lumber.  We figured, "Pay now or pay later" and opted for now.

We feel like we are making progress and almost have the end in sight.  We also feel like we are not as young as we used to be.  We love the exercise that comes with the painting and yard work -- and we are getting plenty of it!

Thanks for joining us today on the Roadrunner Chronicles!


  1. Everything is looking great!!! I always love watching a house’s getting the Warner mark put on it!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. Looks awesome, quite an accomplishment!

  3. Coming along nicely. I bet you're going to heave a sigh of relief when it is all done and you get to move in.

  4. Wow, you guys have really been working hard. But the results look fantastic.

  5. It was all that work you did with NOMADS. Looking good.

  6. First of all Congratulations and Best of Luck on your change of lifestyle. We will be transitioning soon:o)) You two are getting a good workout and the results will be so worth the effort. LOOKING GOOD!!!

  7. Thanks for a view into the remodel. Soon it will be a finished beautiful home. Like the shower tile and size.

  8. holy cow, you guys have really been busy. Too bad about the roof, it's those unforeseen surprises that kind of jump up and bite you. I really like your master bath shower tile work. It looks really good. That house is going to be fantastic by the time you're ready to move in!!!
