
Thursday, January 19, 2017

A Routine of Sorts in VB

The snow melted about a week ago here in Virginia Beach.
Rain and 70 degree weather changed things dramatically.  Regardless of the weather, we are excited to be within 100 yards of the beach.  In cold weather or warmer weather, I love the beach!

I have had many walks along this beach and no doubt will continue them during the next few months that we will spend here.  We are thinking we'll be around until the first part of May.
While here, I had a followup appointment with the retina specialist.  He liked the looks of things and said I should go see the cataract specialist to see if I should do that surgery now or get a new prescription.

He recommended surgery so that is what I did.
This amazing journey through this segment of the high tech medical field continues.  Cataract surgery looked like this for me as I waited.  About 15 minutes after this I was done.  Now 10 days later -- results are terrific.  I am SO thankful.  I have 20/30 eyesight now and in about a month when I get new glasses, it could get even better.  

Seven months ago I could not tell the nurse how many fingers she was holding up.  Now the prospects are good for better than 20/30 eyesight.  -- Amazing!  

The real reason we are here in Virginia Beach is to be grandparents!  That is one special job description.   We love the whole idea and like spending time with Brooks and Kelly during the daytime.

He is one busy fella and cute as he can be.  Nothing makes his day more than playing outside!
He likes running around and teasing Lennon (black/white dog) his bone.
You will notice a green golf club on the ground.  He isn't too excited about that yet, but we are working on it...

He does like kicking the soccer ball, or raking through his garden - he can spend hours in the yard every day when it is not raining.
 Sometimes he just runs around and plays hide and seek behind the trees. Or on his little climbing fort and slide.
Other times he takes a break and drinks a smoothie.  And he points to the airplanes in the sky that he can hear when they take off.
 Other times, he chills out inside and watches some of his YouTube videos on his iPad.
 Or he comes over to the Roadrunner and plays 'pick up sticks'.

Yesterday we went to the local library.  Its pretty excellent with a little kids area that has a lot of activities.
Seems as if we end up spending about 1/2 our time over at Kelly and Jon's which is wonderful.  And the other half, we are digging out of the snow, working on the blog (I have been doing a lot of catchup) and reading.

I have read a number of books over the past few weeks and and currently enjoying one on Lincoln "Team of Rivals" and one of local history, "Virginia Beach, Then and Now".

That's about it for this edition of the Roadrunner Chronicles.  Sort of a 'day in the life' post of what we've been up to.  Hope you are having a wonderful week!


  1. I choose the no snow picture:) Glad the surgery went well:) That procedure may be in my future, if the small cataract I have gets any bigger.

  2. Happy your surgery went well..Cataract surgery is not nearly as bad as it use to be..They use to sandbag your head to keep it from moving,and you usually went to a hospital for it..Now, it's in and problem..Exciting times ahead for you two with that new grandbaby!!!

  3. Glad your surgery went well. Wow modern technology and quick recovery. I know you're glad your vision is back to where it needs to be. So glad you both are enjoying being grandparents and just being.
    Take care!
