
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Time for a Roadrunner Carpet Cleaning

Seems like a bit of a mundane subject but we have been remiss on getting this done.  But after almost five years on the road,  our carpets finally got a carpet cleaning.  A professional one.  For the first time.  Sad but true.  And a little gross after it was over.

But things sure look great now!  Brother Reid (@ Environment Control of Albuquerque) offers a number of cleaning services to commercial accounts and one of them is carpet cleaning.  I asked if he'd do the Roadrunner and he didn't hesitate.

It was a bit of an education for me.  It was a small job but still took the heavy duty equipment.
We stopped at his building and picked up the necessities, hauled them over to the campground, hooked it all up for the job.  Meanwhile, Pam removed all the furniture off of the carpet in the driver side (DS) slideout and cleared things off the carpet in the bedroom.

Then the cleaning began.  First some carpet spray over all the area to get it wet and loosen up things. And he applied some professional solution to the spots he could see.  He recommended a white rag and some Windex for future spot removals.
Then just the steady back and forth of the water/vacuum system.
Technique and elbow grease.  And some experience helps.  Reid said beige or cream colored carpet is the hardest to clean.
He did a great job on ours and we were very satisfied with how it came out.  He raked it to get the knap up
and we used an industrial fan to dry it out.  That took a couple of hours.  While it dried, we cleaned up the equipment and got it ready to load back up into the truck. 
And emptied the cleaner receptacle into a five gallon bucket.
It was a bit of a shock to think they were that dirty.  But having never been really cleaned, the carpets were really dirty.  Glad we got that done.  Don't think we will wait so long for the next carpet cleaning.
Later on, we took a change of pace and had dinner with Reid and Amy at a 'mom and pop' cafe (the best kept secret in Albuquerque) not far from their house.  Let me tell you --- if you like New Mexican food at reasonable prices, I highly recommend this place.  You won't be disappointed!
Nothing fancy, not much ambiance, but fantastic food.  (And there is only one location, despite offers to franchise.)  A plate with red or green chile or my favorite:  both! on beef enchiladas with Spanish rice and refried beans.  And a basket of sapodillas done just right...yum!

Thanks for joining today on the Roadrunner Chronicles!  Until next time...


  1. Carpet cleaning is always one of those activities when you're glad you did it based on just how dirty the water is when you're done. I used to clean school carpets EVERY YEAR and believe me, the water was as bad or worse.

    1. That sound like a pretty good plan - yearly scrubbing on the carpet. I'll bet even the carpet cleaning systems you can rent in a grocery store would work if you do it every year. We will see...

  2. the carpet looks great now!! as for the dirty water? don't think about it! :)

  3. You've reminded me that I need to have the same thing done. Been in this rig for four years, and haven't ever had it deep cleaned. :(

  4. A mundane chore that gives great results. Almost better than new. :c)

  5. It's hard to believe how dirty carpet gets but I'll bet your whole rig is happier (and maybe drives better) with nice clean carpet. We will do the same when we get the house done.

  6. One of the awesome information about the Time for a Roadrunner Carpet Cleaning .You really did a great job by posting it.

  7. Many homeowners delay hiring a carpet cleaning service until they feel their carpets are in the absolute worst condition in attempt to get their money’s worth. This customer mindset is misunderstood. The longer one waits for a carpet clean, the longer the dirt and grime soil the carpet and essentially shorten the life expectancy of the carpet.
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