
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Roadrunner Reflections: Ebbs and Flows

You probably have noticed over the past few months the frequency of the Roadrunner Chronicles has slowed.  My goal continues to be two or three posts a week but this past week it just wasn't going to happen.  I have been busy.  So it has been intermittent.  More ebb than flow.

Gratefully, I have been heads down in my laptop doing some online work for my last employer.  I am thankful for that and quite frankly, I am not used to the level of intensity and focus that I used to have.  But I am getting it back.  My energy had been ebbing but lately it has been flowing.
I love being able to work a few hours online each month.  Toward the end of last year, I was notified my last gig was ending.  Reorgs, changes in personnel, etc meant that I needed to look around.

But I put out the call and thankfully some folks in my old group thought of me and I am able to do some end-of-the-month work.  I got started late in the month and felt like I was walking into a movie that was well past intermission.  With deadlines prevailing (remember those days?) I was in the surge mode. So I was working some long hours for the last week.  But we got-er-done and next month I think it will go a lot more smoothly.

That is not to say I have been working 24 x 7 since my last post because that just isn't the case.  I am really a morning person so I like to put together my post when the sun is just coming up and I am enjoying my morning coffee.  After the early part of the morning, I feel like my day is off and running and I hate to stop and interrupt this for that.  You know- we all have our routine.

And then in the middle of the day, there is so much to do.  Like go to a couple of Major League Baseball Spring training games in the last week. And check out our new environs here in Tucson.  And meet up with friends.  All in the midst of new deadlines...

Which brings me back to why I blog:  Its a hobby I enjoy.  But too much of a hobby is too much.  I found that posting every day was taking its toll.  It almost meant my hobby took my life because the blog became focus of my whole day.  So after a year of trying it and posting every day, I decided to back off and post a couple or three times a week.

I know there are ramifications to that--people that have become interested and look forward to seeing what's up with the Roadrunner Chronicles may be disappointed.  And quit checking in.  If you are among those, I really appreciate your interest and will try to get back to that pace.

Recently I have read some blogs and they have ebbed.  Writers have decided for whatever reason to quit blogging.  It is a burden, it is no fun any more, there is no motivation, writers block ~ and there are more reasons I am sure.

But I am here for a while and will continue.  Because it is still fun.  It is a hobby I enjoy.  And I love hearing from all you out there.

Thanks for viewing today and we'll be back with some pictures next time on the Roadrunner Chronicles from Tucson!


  1. I think we all go through the ebb and flow of blogging. I don't know how people like Nick Russell, the Gypsy Journal, do it every day for years. I can't even promise to stick to two set days a week like Mike & Pat McFall.

    So I continue, blogging as I find time, and that keeps me enjoying writing. We all have to remember, unless we are making money from our blog (yeah, right...LOL!), we are blogging for US not for our readers. They just get to enjoy it...we hope!

  2. Thanks for your interesting thoughts on blogging and your situation in particular. You're right when you say it must be for fun and if it becomes laborious then a change is needed for sure.

    As long as your blog keeps popping up on my sidebar occasionally, I'll keep checking in to see what you're up to.

  3. As a daily blogger for the past few years I understand exactly how you feel. It is sure not easy some days & it does take up a lot of a person's time. I enjoy writing, traveling, & photography so for me it is still an enjoyable hobby, but I do have my days sometimes. All the best Randy & we'll keep an eye our for ya:))

  4. You are so right Randy, I try for every day, but certain times of the years, like now. and when you are not traveling, sometimes the subject matter gets a little thin. The idea that it has to be fun hit's the nail on the head. We always enjoy your posts, but you are the one who has to enjoy them also. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna..

  5. I know the feeling -- last summer we went on our first adventure as fulltimers...I wanted to blog on everything. By the end of the year, I was tired & decided to take some time away from blogging. I did pick it back up -- still don't post every day. It has to be fun or it becomes a burden. We do enjoy hearing your travels, experiences, etc.

  6. Funny you blogged about the blogging blahs..I am giving thought to blogging must twice a week..or maybe even once a week..unless something REAL BIG happens in our lives...HMMMM..It's time to get out of the computer chair and get OUTSIDE again!!!

  7. Dona and I were just talking about this same topic yesterday. Now that I am retired, I sure didn't want the blog to become another committment/job. I write every couple of days and that is enough. You can spend all day on a laptop - it's time to live! Glad to see all is well with both of you and you are enjoying the Southwest weather and area.

  8. As you know, I've struggled with figuring out a blogging balance myself. As much as I hope to blog more often, I seem to average about once a week. I write a lot of blogs in my mind, but sitting down and typing them out seems to me another matter. But like you said, it's a hobby and when it turns to an obligation, the fun of it disappears. Keep doing what feels right to you. There's a lot of us that will continue to follow.

  9. I tend to blog only when something interesting has happened such as seeing a new place or having a new experience. Usually I blog every few days.

    Much to do around Tucson - hope you are enjoying your time there.

  10. I tend to blog only when something interesting has happened such as seeing a new place or having a new experience. Usually I blog every few days.

    Much to do around Tucson - hope you are enjoying your time there.

  11. There seems to be a common thread here. Many of us love blogging and it is indeed a fun hobby. However, when your day centers around finding something to write about it makes it less fun. It should just flow.
    We don't blog every day. In fact, we blog when we have something interesting to say and lately we haven't had much! LOL
    We still read all our friends blogs and enjoy them!! So I when the mood strikes and we'll read when you do!! :-)

  12. Write when it is fun and rest when it is not ;o) This should be a labor of love, not a burdened. We will enjoy reading whenever you write...

  13. I agree with all comments today! you can tell, my blog has a been a bit on the dark side...why?..cause I got nothing!..writer's block..not doing much...nothing really blogworthy..I still read all the blogs or at least try you know, Randy..if you write we will whenever you feel so inclined we will be here..have a great week!!

  14. Blogging daily for the sake of blogging takes the fun out of a hobby. I blog about the places we visit, or if I have something I might want to recollect in the future... otherwise, no posts.

  15. I.M. knowin' what ya mean about ebb and flo. My Nilda's got a cousin and his wife by the same name. Suspect yourin's don't like to be called Ebbeneezer and Flossie either. Coarse neither would I with a handle like that.

    Since I just started this here bloggering thing myownself, I's gots lots of things I want to talk about fer now. Ain't nothin' wrong with you a pickin' yer own pace and a writin' when ya want too. Like that Eastwod feller said, "A man's got to know his eliminations."

    Yer loyal reader, I.M.

  16. Couldn't agree more with your thoughts and your feelings.
