We have wanted to check out for Habitat for Humanity for quite some time and it was pretty easy. We found a local Habitat for Humanity chapter and went through the information on their web site.
We took the online orientation training, contacted the coordinator and showed up at the work site where they were doing home repairs.
It was about 35 miles from where we live and bitterly cold. So we bundled up, had our coffee, and showed up at 8:00.
Dan was the on site coordinator and we got some instructions at the back of the materials truck and then looked inside they house.

Inside, the ceiling in the kitchen and in the bedrooms need to be closed off after the insulation is put down.
Outside, our task was to finish the soffet on the front and back of the house.

There is a lot more to do on the house, so we intend to help out again.
Habitat is something we are considering once on the road. It is really a worthwhile cause and a great way to stay active. Right now I stay active 8-10 hours a day at work though!