
Monday, January 21, 2019

Changing Gears, Downsizing, and Questions?

We've thought about this day and it is finally upon us.  We wondered how we'd feel about it when the time finally came to switch things up.  The time is now here.

We're going to be selling the Roadrunner and downsizing.

Depending on how things work out we'll be moving to the next stage of our lives. Getting another but smaller RV is part of our plan at some point, but we have other things on the To-Do List before that happens.

To-Do List for the next few months:

  • Sell Roadrunner
  • Go to Virginia Beach for a few weeks
  • Look for/buy a house? 
  • Take a road trip out west?
  • Return to VB and find a place
  • Buy a used Class C
  • More RVing (part-time)
After we get to Virginia Beach, an option for us might be to take a road trip out west.  We're thinking of traveling in the CR-V from Virginia - Arizona and return. We may stay with friends and family along the way.  Then we could return to VB and see where things are.

Here's some questions we've heard so far with some quick answers:

Why are we doing this?  Why now?
We definitely have mixed emotions about this but wouldn't be doing it if we ultimately really didn't want to do this.  The main reason for doing this is to be near and involved in our grandkids lives as they get older.  Harrison will soon be 2 and a couple of weeks after that Brooks will be 4.  They like having us around and we like being with them,  so we feel like now is the time to make some changes.

We also like being near our kids.  We enjoy spending time with Kelly and Jon and working on projects.  Adam and Melissa are only a few hours away too, so that is another bonus.

How Did We Decide on this course of action?

Last summer we started talking out loud about the possibility of changing from full-time to part-time RVers.  We believe grandparents can have a positive impact on kids lives and want to be those grandparents.  We discussed lots of things but the bottom line is that we love RVing and yet love our grandsons more.  The best choice is for us to cut back on our time on the road and spend more time with them.

Are we road-weary?
No!  We love being on the road, but we are focused on a higher priority for the next few years.  We fully intend to continue with RV living as often as we can.  We think that will mean trips every few months for a few weeks.

How do we feel about the change?
Mixed emotions, meaning we loved every minute of full-timing but we need to do this.  We need to be present and move on.  We look forward to the adventures ahead and learning how to "settle down" again.

How long have We Been on the Road?
We have been on the road since May 2009.  Looks like we will end this stint of full-timing just shy of 10 years.

What kind of a place will you get?
We are thinking a small 1100-1500 sq. ft. single family house, not a condo or townhouse.

Do You think you will full-time again?
Don't really know, but we wouldn't be surprised if we do when the boys get older.

Will you keep blogging/writing?
Absolutely!  I have lots of posts that I've started and are begging to be completed. I love writing and am learning a lot with the forthcoming book.

Where are you in the process of selling the Roadrunner?
We have had extensive exchanges with the buyer will get together in a few weeks.  I think they'll be pleased with what they're getting.  It looks like a win-win and we will do what we can to make that happen.  If that doesn't work for some reason, we'll go back to plan A, which is advertise and actively market it beginning in April.

What's next in the coming days? 
Cleaning, polishing, and emptying the Roadrunner, packing up things and preparing the Roadrunner for sale. Also I'm working on our forthcoming book: "The Wonder of RV Living," Roadrunner Chronicles, Vol 1 and continuing to write more blog posts.  We still have so much to tell of the places we've seen and where we've been.  And I have more ideas for the next manuscript.

It's been a real joy and quite a ride.  And we're looking forward to the days ahead.  Thanks for joining us on this edition of the Roadrunner Chronicles!


  1. Godspeed as you take on this new phase of your lives, Randy & Pam. Can't wait for future updates.

  2. Best of luck to two wonderful people......just feel lucky we crossed paths....

  3. Wow!! End of an era...but grandparents are SO important. I’m sure the kids will love having you there!! I sure have loved following your adventures!


  4. Sounds like a solid well thought out plan.

  5. We all reach that point of making major decisions about our RV lifestyle. I think you have made the best decisions for you and you will have many wonderful memories both of being 9n the road and sharing in the grandkids lives.

    1. Thanks. Can’t wait to start camping with the little guys but first things first. 😀

  6. Congrats on your decision and enjoy your next chapter...

    1. Thank you! And thank you for all the many years of following the Roadrunner Chronicles and all your comments. We really appreciate it. And there’s more to come...

  7. Good luck and Godspeed to you both! Still eager to buy the book and read about the modern days “Travels With Charlie”!!!

    Cordial Congratulations on a road well travelled!


    1. Thanks Mike -I'm stll plugging away at it with the last revision. I WILL get it done....🙂 still have a lot of travels to describe that I haven't written about... Stay tuned!

  8. Pat and I are wishing you guys the best in this well planned transition. Glad we got a chance to meet earlier this year. Take care. Randy

  9. I sure get what you are doing:) We quit full timing in 2012 after six years, so we could spend more time with our grandkids, now 5 and seven. We bought a home near them and at the same time traded the 40' rig for a Winnebago View. We actually really enjoy the small rig and covered over 70K miles with it out towing a car:)) I admit I still miss fulltiming and we may go back to it if our health holds good. Good luck, it sounds like a good plan.

    1. Bingo! That's what we are talking about. With the smaller MH in the View, do you find you stay in more State Parks than you used to with the 40' MH? Thanks for the note!

  10. Have followed you guys for quite a while, but missed out on this new development while we were in the process, after 10 years, of selling the motor home, and buying a small 1200 sf place.

    We started living full time in an RV in 2004. . .began full time travel in Mar 2009 when we both were retired. . .bought a house Feb 2019. I'm really enjoying gardening again, and hubs is in the process of getting his workshop set up.

    Have contemplated having a smaller RV, but have put it on hold for the time being. Really enjoying just being homebodies, doing road trips to visit and stay with family.

    Funny how our timetable is so similar.

  11. Similar indeed. We’re grateful fo the great years we had on the road and now are in a great situation. Thanks for following all the years and the best to you and hubby!
