
Monday, July 16, 2012

Key West to Fort Kent on U.S. Route 1

We spent a couple of months in Key West last winter, arriving just before Christmas.  We headed north the last part of February.  One of the notable 'touristy' items commemorates the beginning of U.S. Route 1 going north.

At any rate we thought it was noteworthy and took a picture of the mile marker in downtown Key West.  Mile Marker 0 is at 490 Whitehead Street not far from Ernest Hemingway's old house.
We had no idea that one day we would travel to the northern most point of the highway someday, but sure enough, last week when we were up in Presque Isle, Maine, we took a day trip in search of the beginning of U. S. Route 1.

We drove from Presque Isle to Fort Kent, Maine and found a very nice display.  The city has recently redone their site and have built a well-done historical marker.
The information says it is 2,446 miles end-to-end.  New highways systems are in place these days but it generally parallels I-95.  Google maps indicates the distance is 2100 miles, so it is a little shorter than it was years ago.

Have any of our readers also been in both places?

Thanks for joining us today on the Roadrunner Chronicles!  Until next time...


  1. Yes, in 2003 (before the new marker) my sister took my picture standing beside the marker in Ft Kent. Later that year Bill & I traveled to the end of Rt 1 and he took my picture at the southern terminus. Kind of fun to remember... might have to drag out those old photos... Guess we'll have to drive back up to Ft Kent to see the new marker.

  2. We have traveled almost the entire route of US 41 that goes from Miami to the tip of the United States in the U.P. of Michigan.

    Guess we will have to do the US1 route sometime as well as east and west on the US2!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  3. Nope, but we were at Key West farthest most point and Prudhoe Bay, the end of the "Haul Road" (Dalton Highway)..does that count?

  4. I remember driving US 1 from Homested, Fl to Fort Monmouth, NJ in the 70's. I was in the Army then. Made the trip in a 1969 Chevelle pulling a small U-Haul trailer with all our earthly possessions.

  5. I live full-time in Key west and planning to exit the country at Ft. Kent this summer as part of a N.E. vacation. We are not driving US1 there (using the auto-train for a segment) but looking forward to seeing the "other" end of the road.
