
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Megan and Mark's Wedding in Houston

First, a big thank you to our newest Followers for joining us:
You might want to take a minute and click on their names to view their blogs...

We drove to Houston for Mark and Megan's wedding.  While Kelly and Megan and the girls were getting together we were able to spend dinner with a couple of our favorite nephews along with Darrick:
Pam, Mark, and Drew and Darrick

We enjoyed a great meal at Papacito's.

Next, we had a lunch date with the bride and maid of honor at Ninfa's on Navigation at it's original location near downtown Houston.
The area of town is not the best but the lunch crowd showed up early and it was full.  We grabbed a table on the outside patio had tacos and could see why it is such a popular place.

Megan's grandmother had lunch for Megan and the bride's maids the day before the wedding at 'My Cup of Tea'.  What a unique idea.
I had never heard of a tea party but it was a great time for all the ladies!

Later in the evening, we made it over to Carmelo's which was absolutely an excellent venue.  The Italian food and service was terrific.
It was fun to get to know some of the Stuckey and Zeiler families.  It was a interesting to hear the toasts and stories and all the well wishes.  The slide show was well done and provided plenty of entertaining anecdotes of Megan and Mark growing up.
It was a fairly large group and many had flown in from all over the country to be party of the happy event.

After a late night we got up the next morning and helped out by loading up cartons and crates of beverages (beer, wine, soft drinks) to take over to the reception location later in the day.
 They had an evening wedding at the Chapelwood United Methodist Church in Houston.  Pam was able to take a few photos of the ladies getting ready.
 The entrance of the wedding party started exactly on time and it was a beautiful ceremony.  The music, the setting, the beautiful brides maids and maid of honor, the was really a memorable event for all.
 After the ceremony, it was time for pictures and we stayed a little while before heading over to the reception.
 The Gallery was another nice setting and there must have been a couple of hundred people at the reception.  The fajitas were a perfect choice and lots of folks sat and talked and celebrated the happy event.
I was able to get one last photo of Megan, Kelly and Rachel.  Megan and Mark are now honeymooning in Hawaii and will be living in Austin, TX.

It was fun to see Kelly and to see her as the Maid of Honor.  We had to leave the reception before the end of the festivities and got up on Saturday morning to take Kelly and Marion to the airport.

After we said our goodbyes, we went back to the campground and headed east on I-10 for Moss Point MS.  We didn't have to refuel and only stopped to switch drivers a couple of times on the 425 mile trek.

We arrived at Caswell Springs United Methodist Church, Moss Point before sun down.  There are RV hookups on the property and we joined six other couples.  We are looking forward to NOMADS Disaster Relief work here the next few weeks.

Thanks for joining us today on the Roadrunner Chronicles.  Hope you are staying warm and that you have a great week.


  1. Everyone looks so beautiful in your pictures.
    I love weddings!

    What a wonderful dress the bride was wearing and I love her colors!

    Glad you had a great time.


  2. Weddings are always such a happy time...glad you could join them for the festivities!! Looks like it was just perfect!!

  3. congrats to the happy couple..we wish them a long and happy life together!!!

  4. Great time was had , we love weddings, Donna has to have a supply of tissues. Good to see all enjoyed it. be safe out there. Sam & Donna...

  5. congrats to their new beginning...

  6. Congradulations to the happy couple... It was a HUGE wedding!
    And sounded like so much fun...
    Have fun & Travel Safe

  7. Beautiful Bride and bridesmaids and great photos too, Randy. Almost felt like being right there with you.

  8. Something about a wedding..I don't even have to know the people and I can cry...Beautiful young people...what fun!..Blessings to all!!!
