Henry’s Lake in Idaho - 2 hours west of Yellowstone
The fact is though, we left the road 16 months ago. Hard to believe! So much has happened. But then, we are living in a time where the speed of life has quickened. We were warned this would happen as we got older.I don’t mean the speed with which we rush through life, it just seems that time is flying by.
Pam and I are well and content with our post-RV lives. Our days are full and we get to be around good neighbors and our daughter and son-in-law and get to hone our grandma and grandpa skills. Its one of life’s greatest joys.
So this is what our weeks kind of look like. Each is a little different but in these Corona Virus days we have a tempo and steadiness centered around our home. We do a lot of projects. I enjoy mowing our front yard and large back yard twice a week. Its good exercise and I like being out in the sun. I have a science project going in the front yard called rooting out the weeds and getting more grass to grow. Its coming along.
We’ve planted lots of flowers. I mean lots. Besides two flower beds in the front, we have a couple of small ones at each corner of our front yard.
We also were given some flowers we from friends that survived the transplant and we made another flower bed along the side of the house.
The deck has hanging baskets and flower pots of petunias, marigolds, and geraniums. We have some more flowers along the fence from Tennessee that may or may not make it. Finally, we two other flower beds with day lillies and roses.
Then there is Pam’s garden.
We spent a lot of time weeding, hoeing and watering the garden, but we enjoy it.
Then I have a few projects in the woodshed that keep popping up. My latest is a little cabinet the boys wanted to be turned into an outdoor oven for them.
We see the boys every other day at least and that is why we are here -- for them. Its about the best reason we can think of to leave the road and we are not sorry we are now doing this. As much as we liked full-timing, this is a great post-RVing gig!
We keep track of doctors appointments and are fine. It was about four years ago that I almost lost my left eye with a retina detachment but it has healed well and I have 20/25 vision in that eye and 20/20 in my right (with my glasses.)
We take the vehicles in for maintenance, get materials for projects, check out new home renovation projects that Kelly and Jon are working on. It’s great fun to seen them turn a place around that needs updating and make it look really nice for re-sale.
Last week went to church a couple times (one for Bible studying the fellowship hall and the other time for Sunday service). Our small church went to two services and we had about 25 people at the service we attended. Nothing like it used to be, but it was great to see people in person again.
I read that long time RVing friends John and Carol have bought a house in Indiana and are looking forward to their next chapter after 10 years on the road. They’ll continue tours with Fantasy RV Tours and keeping their RV. I’m excited for them and know they will enjoy their spacious house!
We continue we some upgrades on our place and are having a gas fireplace and logs put in. Pam has been doing some stitching/sewing craft ornaments for Christmas and I have been working my way through Chesapeake by James Michener, one of my favorite authors. Now that we live in the area, it makes reading it more meaningful.
Pam usually goes on a daily walk at one of our nice parks in the area if she gets there early enough and its not too crowded. We have ventured out for lunch and dinner a few times to support some local restuarants and enjoy that.

While there we learned Joan and Mike had their 50th wedding anniversary so we had a little celebration in their back yard with their daughter and family, and Joan/Pam’s sister and husband who life in the Knoxville area.
Last Saturday we had the pleasure of attending our first ever graduation. After a couple of long years, son Adam finished course work and was awarded a Master of Science degree in Computer Science.
That’s about it and some of the things we are involved with in our new life as the weeks go by. We love hearing from you and a day doesn’t go by that we don’t think about our RV friends and the RV life.
Thanks for joining us on the Roadrunner Chronicles!